Exercise Bands Useful for Resistance Movements

By Deborah Jeanne Sergeant

They’re stretchy and springy and a staple among personal trainers and physical therapists. But what are exercise bands and what can you do with them?

“They’re a great tool, but there are different tools for every job,” said Anthony Serrano, personal trainer and nutrition coach certified by the International Sports Sciences Association. “I wouldn’t say one tool is better than the other. Like a hammer, mallet or sledgehammer, they all do different things. You can load more weight on a barbell. But bands have their place in everyone’s fitness routine. We use them here every day with our clients.”

He directs personal training at Jada Blitz Fitness in Buffalo and holds a second-degree black belt in taekwondo.

When lifting free weights, it’s easy to jerk and drop the weight. Exercise bands naturally create a more fluid, controlled movement. If you drop an exercise band on your foot, it won’t hurt, unlike dumbbells or kettlebells.

“It’s a very versatile piece of equipment,” Serrano said. “You can pack in a suitcase and go. Or if you live in a studio apartment or have only a small area where you can exercise, you can use exercise bands.”

Although he likes their affordability and portability, Kevin Phengthavone, certified strength and conditioning coach, cautioned that exercise bands can snap eventually.

“Replace them every year if you use them consistently,” he said. “Monitor the time you have them for how long they sit. They have a tendency to dry rot over time. A year to a year and a half is how long they work. Examine them for little cracks. The seams where they’re fused is where they tend to pop.”

Phengthavone directs Sport Performance and Impact Sports Performance at UBMD Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine.

Jean Sica uses bands a lot with her clients. A certified tai chi instructor and certified personal trainer, owns Kokoro Fitness in Rochester, she finds them handy for taking to sessions in clients’ homes.

“I think that they’re really good for people who don’t care to know whether they’re lifting 10 or 30 pounds,” Sica said. “They are marked, but it’s just a guideline. Depending on how far you pull the band, that will make a difference as to how heavy the resistance is. They’re handy for a home gym or for travel. Bring a few bands and you can do all kinds of things with them. You can use them for triceps work and pectoral work and long thin ones you can use in different ways.”

Bands come in different lengths for different uses. Flat bands are made from vinyl or cloth and cord varieties may offer handles. Some brands of bands come in different colors to signify the level of resistance they offer.

Sica recommended working the upper legs by slipping a short band around the thighs above the knees, squatting, and walking sideways like a crab.

“It’s great for the glutes and quads,” she added.

To work the chest and arms, Sica said to hold the ends of a short band and pull the hands apart, hold, then release.

Another move for short bands to work the triceps is to hold one end close to the body with the left hand near the right side of the waist. Take the other end with the right hand and pull towards the floor, creating resistance between the arms. Switch sides after a set of 10 repetitions.

“People always want to work their biceps for some reason,” Sica said.

To do so, step on a long band and pull the handles upward.

Serrano recommends using exercise bands for a palace press, which works both upper and lower body muscles.

Tie to band to a stable pole. Stand squarely next to the pole, with feet placed shoulder’s distance apart holding the band with both hands. Draw hands to the center of the body with the band lax. Slowly pull the band away from the chest and then to the chest.

Phengthavone said that bands can be useful for resistance lunges.

“Hold each band in your hand and step into a lunge with the band under your back foot,” he said. “You can lower yourself to the ground on your knee and step back up.”

Using bands while performing calisthenics can challenge the muscles more.

“Hold the band in one hand and across your back to the other hand for resistance while doing pushups,” Phengthavone said.

The extra tension creates greater difficulty without adding a physical weight to the movement.

Anyone new to resistance training should consult their healthcare provider before beginning a regimen.

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